WOTD: The Hidden Power of Confession – Joyce Meyer

Word of the Day

What do you usually think of when you hear the word “confession”? Many people think first of the definition that has a negative connotation, being forced to admit you have done something wrong. But when we agree with God’s Word by “confessing” it out loud, the result is always positive.

An acquaintance of mine says we cannot defeat Goliath with our mouths shut. When David was preparing to do battle with the giant Goliath, he ran toward him, confessing out loud what he believed the end result of the battle would be: “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand… “(1 Sam. 17:46 AMP).

This is a good example of how we should approach the enemies in our own lives. We must open our mouths and speak the Word of God.

I strongly encourage you to confess the Word of God out loud daily. Each time a thought…

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WOTD: God Is the Only Lasting Source- Joyce Meyer

Word of the Day

As human beings we are created by God to be happy and to feel good about ourselves. As a matter of fact, we must feel good about ourselves, or eventually we will develop some sort of unhealthy, uncontrolled behavior to get the good feelings we crave.

Think about it. A person who is addicted to drugs probably began using them because his pain was so intense he felt compelled to get rid of it, even if only temporarily. The same thing is true of drinking, or using food as a comfort. If we do not get good feelings from the inside, then we attempt to create them through outside means.

God created us that way and He’s the only one who can satisfy us. When we go to something other than God to make us feel good about ourselves, we’re really just replacing something real with a cheap substitute.


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WORD: Don’t Get Burned Out on Too Much Activity – Joyce Meyer

Word of the Day

In the early days of my walk with the Lord, I was very enthusiastic and eager to serve Him, so I signed up for everything that seemed even remotely interesting to me. One result of it all was that I quickly discovered what I was anointed to do.

Because of my busy life, I wasn’t spending time with God on a regular basis. I was doing good things for God, but somehow ignoring Him in the process. As a result, I often spent time feeling frustrated because I was doing works of the flesh.

“Works of the flesh” are things we do without God’s power flowing through us. They are difficult, they drain us, and they produce no joy or fulfillment. They are often good things, but not ‘God things.’

People can literally get burned out on religious activity as they struggle to serve God in their own strength. But…

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Lesson # 5: Know When You Have To Let Go

As human beings, we hold on to things that matter to us. But not all things that matter to us, are good for us. Some things, no matter how much you like them, should not be with you anymore.

Some things can be like poison – we are addicted to them, but they are harmful. We cannot imagine being without the poison, because we think it’s all we have. Eventually the pain becomes bittersweet. Then the pain makes us hollow – so hollow, that we lose the passion for living.

Remember you deserve better. If you have done something wrong, learn to apologize. If you have said “Sorry” with all your heart, the ball has transferred from your court to the one you may have hurt. It is up to the person to choose to forgive you, or not. You were humble enough to acknowledge your mistake. Move on, now. You did what you had to.

Do not hold on to graves. Graves may be in forms of broken or unfulfilled dreams. They are dear to your heart, but they are robbing you of your peace of mind. All you can think about is what you have lost, or what you do not have, and all you can do is blame yourself for not having it.

There are 2 common approaches to unfortunate events. Some people will not hesitate to blame the next person, while some have the habit of always blaming themselves. Sometimes, we fall into the latter category.

That is why we must not hesitate to apologize. Once you have apologized with all your heart, show a little bit of compassion to yourself. Stop beating yourself up. It is a reality that not all things end well, and some things are always beyond our control.

There are some faults which are very difficult to forgive. The least you can do if you are not forgiven is to learn from the mistake and never repeat it again.

You deserve your share of joy. Rise above yourself, and don’t fall into too much guilt. Guilt should be enough to prod you to say “Sorry” when you are indeed wrong, but it shouldn’t become a driving force that makes your life miserable.

Learn to say, “Enough, is enough.”

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:31-32 ESV

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:18-19

“A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.” – Proverbs 29:11

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” – Proverbs 4:25-27

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” – Proverbs 28:13


WOTD: Experiencing God’s Peace By Living in the Now – Joyce Meyer

Word of the Day

Having an attitude of peace and calm is priceless. It’s an attitude that says, ‘I’m trusting God,’ and it speaks powerfully to people. But it takes time, focus, and the grace of God to be consistently peaceful.

Too often our stress level is tied up in our circumstances. You could be stressed because you’re always busy or you’re struggling financially or because you’re not getting along with someone you love.

To conquer the stress in our lives, we need to learn to practice the peace that’s been provided for us by the overcoming power of Jesus.

One way to develop consistent peace is to learn to live ‘in the now.’ We can spend a lot of time thinking about the past or wondering what the future holds, but we can’t accomplish anything unless our mind is focused on today.

The Bible tells us that God gives us grace for each…

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WOTD: Take God Out of the “Emergency Only” Box! – Joyce Meyer

Word of the Day

I used to spend time with God once in awhile or when my life was in big trouble. Eventually I learned that if I ever wanted to stop living from one emergency to the next, I needed to seek God every day as if I were in desperate need of Him.

It’s true that God will always help us when we come to Him. But if we want constant victory, we need to take God out of our “emergency only” box and invite Him into our everyday lives.

God wants us to get personal with Him. He proves this by the fact that He lives within us.

When Jesus died on the cross, He opened the way for us to get personal with almighty God. If God had wanted an “emergency only” relationship, He might just visit on occasion, but He certainly would not have come to take up permanent…

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Lesson # 4: Chase Happiness and Dwell on Positives

There is great comfort in knowing that friends understand your pain. But there is more fruit when you allow yourself to become happy. When you become happy, you can inspire other people to follow your pursuit.

From this moment onward, I choose happiness. I choose to hope and believe that God can handle anything that comes my way. 

I choose to make the most out of every moment of my life. To let go of our present because of our excessive concern over what may happen would be to lose the very chance to make things right.

I may not be happy every single moment. But I will try to make myself happy, even after life’s occasional devastating blows.

I will trip, fall, and make mistakes. But I will get up and try again.

Let’s chase happiness and dwell on positives. If we dare to be different by daring to be happy, the world will thank us for it. Your friend will thank you for it; because you have proved that there is an eternal source of happiness – it is a source that never runs out.

God’s love – yes. Our Father’s love is the answer. If you are wondering how He can love us, despite being invisible, remember that He lives inside of you. He is the strength that keeps you going. He is the one who gives you hope. He is the small, still voice that prods you to go on in life, because He believes in you.

When you are looking for God, He is right in your heart. You don’t have to look for Him anywhere else. He is the strength in you. Never forget that.

And God weeps when we weep – simply because He is in us. He knows what we go through – because He is in us.

Look at those around you with eyes of love.

And you will see God everywhere. You will see happiness everywhere. 🙂

Have a great day ahead. God bless you.

To Hope or Not to Hope?

She seems to be a very strong woman. You can learn from her, and pray for her. 🙂

For the Infertile Myrtle

It seems a stupid question; to hope or not to hope? The obvious answer is, “to hope.” Because hope is what brings peace during times of tribulation. Hope is what makes it possible to be patient for what we do not see. But what about when hope is lost? The fall from hope is so sorrowful, so painful, that surely it would have been easier not to hope at all. To hope puts you at the risk of losing hope. So I ask it again, to hope or not to hope?

The doctors have not told me it would be impossible, they have merely stated that my odds are very slim without treatment. Well, I tried the treatments, and they were not for me. But it doesn’t matter, it’s not the doctors that I’m listening to.

God spoke to me several years ago. He told me I would be a…

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June 8th, My Conviction, is that I Lack Conviction

The Unspoken

Before I explain the title of this entry, we must first understand what is a conviction & what does conviction mean?

In a court of law it means a final judgment, “I hear by convict (judge, declare) you guilty!” But as a Christian, someone apart of a religious (using that word lightly) church & community, conviction means something different, which is also the second meaning to this word…

Conviction: a firmly held belief or opinion.

Taking that thought, as Christian we have a moral conviction or obligation to not murder, steal, lie, commit adultery (sex outside of marriage), etc. you get the point. The ten commandments is something everyone can come together and agree upon. But unfortunately that isn’t the point I am getting at. A conviction is something you set between you and the Lord, for example; some people choose to not eat meat, this isn’t for health reasons…

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When you are brave, remarkable things can happen….

Be inspired! 🙂

Not The Perfect 10

When you are brave, remarkable things can happen....

I can’t say that I’ve achieved great things in my life, or that I have done anything particularly remarkable thus far. I try to be a better, more courageous version of myself every single day and I’m not sure anyone could ask for more from me.

When I suffered with depression I found it difficult to function and I existed in a state of fear. Now that I’ve left that darkness behind me, whenever I start to feel afraid or nervous, I think of those who have gone before me, who displayed immense and unyielding bravery in the face of the most unbearable situations, and I’m instantly humbled. This kicks me back to reality, and I feel utterly grateful for all of the blessings in my life, which I’m guilty of taking for granted far too often.

My Grandfather, Percy Beard, was a Royal Engineer World War 2 Veteran, who…

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