To Hope or Not to Hope?

She seems to be a very strong woman. You can learn from her, and pray for her. 🙂

For the Infertile Myrtle

It seems a stupid question; to hope or not to hope? The obvious answer is, “to hope.” Because hope is what brings peace during times of tribulation. Hope is what makes it possible to be patient for what we do not see. But what about when hope is lost? The fall from hope is so sorrowful, so painful, that surely it would have been easier not to hope at all. To hope puts you at the risk of losing hope. So I ask it again, to hope or not to hope?

The doctors have not told me it would be impossible, they have merely stated that my odds are very slim without treatment. Well, I tried the treatments, and they were not for me. But it doesn’t matter, it’s not the doctors that I’m listening to.

God spoke to me several years ago. He told me I would be a…

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